Baptism & Membership
Baptism marks the beginning of your Christian journey. At least twice a year we offer a series of Foundations classes to explore the foundational beliefs and practices of Christians and the church. Adults who’ve completed these classes and have met with a pastor, will be invited to a service of baptism during our Sunday worship (though we have been known to make road trips to Lake Ontario!).
Whether you’re an adult, youth or parent of young children, our pastoral staff and elders are here to walk with you, to prepare you for this important step in your journey with Jesus. If you’re ready or wondering about baptism, here are a few things to consider.
Steps to Baptism at Knox
Join us for worship regularly and explore participating in the Knox community.
Sign up for the next Foundations class series. These classes are offered at least twice a year and are the place to explore foundational aspects of the Christian faith, understand the significance of baptism, and find support for the journey. The Foundations class is open to all and required for baptism and profession of faith.
For adults, email Rachel van Geest to sign up, rachel@knoxtoronto.org (check the events calendar to see if the next series is scheduled soon)
For youth, email Pr. Frances, frances@knoxtoronto.org
For parents of young children, contact Rev. Nick, nick@knoxtoronto.org
We believe that good things happen when we commit to each other. That’s what becoming a member of Knox is about. It’s a step of commitment to say I’m ready to journey with this Christ-centred community, and I need its support to journey with me.
At least twice a year we host a 2-part membership class to teach what we’re about at Knox and explain some of the ins and outs of how we do church.
Sign up for the next membership class
Classes are held at least twice a year. Email Rachel to sign up, rachel@knoxtoronto.org (check the events calendar to see if the next series is scheduled soon).
. . . At the end of high school I became frustrated with how little my faith had to do with the rest of my life and committed myself to putting God at the center of the stage I was entering. When I gave an inch, He provided above and beyond with rich communities and challenging Christian friendships. As I get closer to my graduation date I’m trying hard to walk with him through my next transition as well.
. . . I truly believe that God has been guiding my life for the past 14 months or so. How else would you explain how an addict of nearly 50 years can just quit and not ever even been tempted to relapse? He has led me here. I feel like I belong here. —Fred
. . . I wept at that moment because I felt so deeply what Jesus must have felt on the cross—the fear of death, indescribable pain, and humiliation . . . In my entire life, I have never experienced such powerful, deep feelings. Furthermore, I knew clearly at that moment that God had always been with me although I was totally blind to His presence. God absolutely loves me so much no matter who I am. No matter what I do, no matter where I go.