Serve at Church
The ministry we commit to together is one of the ways we make good of Jesus’ command to love one another and display his love to others.Will you join in?
Here are some key teams that run smoothly because of your help and leadership.
Sunday Morning Prayer group
AV team
Worship team
Choir, occasional events and services
Greeting team
Hospitality team, coffee time or occasional lunches
Soup Sunday
Tiny Tots (1-4yrs)
Kids Ministry (4-10yrs)
Social Media + Photography
Children & Teens
Tiny Tot leaders, Sunday
Kids Ministry leaders, Sunday
Teen leaders, Saturday evenings
Refugee Ministries
Hosting occasional meals with connections through our partner ministries
Organizing and supporting fundraising efforts
Internationals &
ESL Ministries
ESL teaching or program admin,
Mondays in-personInternationals Bible Study team, Sundays online
Home Churches
Hosting or leading a small gathering of people from Knox to intentionally build relationships, worship together, study and live out Scripture in our everyday lives.
Special Events
Serving guests and volunteers through hospitality and organizing activities such as decorating, providing refreshments, greeting, set up and clean up.