Faith+Practice Fall Conference: Why Church?
God calls us to life, worship, and mission together with other believers, not on our own. This is Church and it can be glorious and even fun, but it can also be deeply challenging and frustrating. Into this tension, we've invited speakers from different parts of the Church body to help us understand why God calls his followers to live, work and worship together. The speakers will explore the Biblical underpinnings of the Church, why children and youth are an essential part of the Church body, how Church is more than a building and uncommon examples of Christian communities. Seminars will be offered in the morning and afternoon so you can pick two to attend.
Kids Conference (4-12yrs) will feature guests from a Godly Play storytelling team in the morning and fun and games in the afternoon. Nursery care available for 0–3yrs.
Why Church is Essential to God's Mission
with Dr. Marilyn Draper
God could transform the world without any help from us! However, God has chosen to involve the church in bringing forth change. We can participate in the very life and work of Jesus through this amazing concept of discipleship. Come and discover how God might want to include you, just as you are!
Marilyn Draper is a professor at Tyndale Seminary where she teaches practical theology. One of her favourite courses is Evangelism and Discipleship. As a former campus minister, teaching pastor, and church planter, Marilyn is continually amazed that God invites us, as the church, to participate in helping others find life in Jesus Christ as they respond to his call to discipleship.
Why Church is More than a Building
with Rev. Judith Alltree
Sharing from her vast ministry experience in unique settings such as Mission to Seafarers, Rev. Judith Alltree will challenge and encourage us to think beyond buildings and programs.
Rev. Alltree is the Executive Director and Chaplain of the Mission to Seafarers' Southern Ontario Chapter, a non-denominational and multi-faith organization that cares for seafarers who arrive in the ports of Hamilton, Oshawa and Toronto. She is an Anglican minister with the Diocese of Toronto, and had a previous business career in performing arts management.
Why Church Needs to Nurture Children’s Spirituality
with Amy and Rev. Andrew Crawford
The Crawfords will provide an experience of Godly Play for adults and children, and guide participants in learning about childhood spirituality and how to nurture it. Godly Play is an innovative method of faith formation for childhood and beyond. Godly Play allows participants to experience faith-building stories through intentional storytelling and imaginative wondering.
Amy Crawford is the Team Leader for Faith Formation and Mission with the General Council of The United Church of Canada. Her program responsibilities include children, youth, young adults, and United Church Women. Amy is also a Godly Play trainer, accredited in August 2007. She helped to establish Godly Play in Canada and has travelled extensively to teach and train in the art and practice of Godly Play.
The Rev’d Canon Dr. Andrew Sheldon is a Priest of the Diocese of Toronto, and an adjunct faculty member of Trinity College Faculty of Divinity. He has taught numerous Pastoral Theology courses including Beyond Religious Education: The Implications of the Spirituality of Children for Theory and Practice. He is a Godly Play practitioner and trainer, and currently holds the position of Godly Play Advocate for International Development. Andrew serves as an Associate Priest in a local Parish, where he also assists in providing chaplaincy to the independent day school attached to the church. At church and school he weekly sits in circles of children telling and wondering about the stories of the Christian faith.
9:30-10:00 - Breakfast and Registration
10:00-10:30 - Worship
10:30-12:30 - Seminar choice #1
12:30-1:30 - Lunch
1:30-3:30 - Seminar choice #2
3:30-4:00 - Worship
Adults - $30
University Students & Seniors - $20
Kids/Teens - $15
Family Package (2 adults + 2 or more kids/teens) - $80
Want to attend for free? Email to volunteer and attend half the conference for free!