Single Parents & Caregivers with Preschool Children Program
A space to grow in community for low-income single parents and caregivers and their children 0-4yrs, living in the city of Toronto.
Wednesday, November 16 from 2:00-5:00pm
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month afterward; Wednesday December 14th is the next date
Knox Presbyterian Church
630 Spadina Avenue
(enter through our accessible entrance off Harbord Street parking lot on the north side of the building)
Our gathering time will be a safe place for primary caregivers and their kids 0-4yrs, to come, rest, play, talk, reflect and grow in community together.
Each gathering we’ll take some time for helpful topics such as healthy self esteem and resilience, strengthening families, parenting skills, building life skills like financial literacy as children have time to play, enjoy crafts and activities, and make friends.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Kim Morrison, Community Outreach Coordinator
416 921 8993 x3001
For a few more details and how to support this outreach initiative, you can read more here.