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Summer Fellowship

Wednesdays in July
7:00pm dessert + 7:30pm talk

This summer, gather at Knox in community for sweet treats, discussion and deep thought with local Christian leaders. Come once or come every week!

Wed / Jul 6
Creation, Stewardship & The Church

Luke Wilson, CEO of A Rocha Canada
Nick’s Choice Dessert: Local Strawberries & Cream

Wed / Jul 13
Disciples, Mentors & Loving The City

Cristal Hines, Yonge Street Mission
Frances’ Choice Dessert: Crème brûlée

Wed / Jul 20
Songs, Worship & Following Jesus Together

Lisa Toussaint, Gospel Choir Director
Temeka’s Choice Dessert: Cheesecake

Wed / Jul 27
Justice, Advocacy & Serving the World

Joash Thomas, IJM National Director
Nestor’s Choice: Leche Flan

More details about our speakers can be found here.

July 3


July 10
