Summer Fellowship is a long-held Knox tradition of gathering during July for thought-provoking teaching from Christian leaders over delicious desserts. It’s an opportunity for our church to invite friends and neighbors to engage in discussion around important topics that are relevant to our lives.
This summer, we will be looking at familiar Christian practices—prayer, mission, scripture reading, ministry—but from a new angle. Join five innovative, Christ-focused leaders to rethink crucial habits of our faith and explore how God is inviting us to find new and renewed ways forward.
Summer Fellowship
Wednesdays in July
7:00pm Dessert + 7:30 Talk
In the Winchester Room
WED / JUL 26
Rethinking Evangelism: Are Missions Still Good?
In light of colonialism and related injustice and oppression, is the work of missionaries (especially foreign workers moving abroad to spread the gospel) something that the church can still stand behind?
Khevna Dave serves as the Director of the Missions Hub, located right within our church on the third floor. She is deeply passionate about engaging in mobilization and enjoys building and catalyzing partnerships in missions amongst campus groups, agencies and churches.
Sharon Patire serves as the Mobilization Coordinator at the Missions Hub. She is a passionate disciple of Christ, eager to make and mobilize many more disciples for his glory, and loves meeting new friends and walking with them in their missions journey.