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Worship / Mission Sunday

Join us in this central practice of our community—worshipping together the God who makes all things new.

A heart for God’s global, cross-cultural mission has long been at the core of who we are as a church. And so we take some time at special points in the year to focus on the Mission of God we’re connected to, both near and far.

On this Missions Sunday we focus on God movement throughout world. We’ll have a guest preacher (details coming soon!) and plan to gather for our quarterly Missions Gathering later at 2pm.

In-Person, we continue to require masks to keep the most vulnerable among us as safe as possible.

We continue to offer livestream of our worship, for those unable to join us at this time.
We hope to see you soon!

Read more from our supported missionaries any time at

Read more stories from our church’s history at

May 11

ESL Classes - Online

May 15

Missions Gathering