Knox Pastoral Staff Team

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4)

Session approved reorganizing our pastoral staffing team with the goal for staff to equip and engage God’s people for ministry. The pastors and ministry directors will be leaders who build and lead ministry teams of volunteers who carry out the ministry. Each pastoral staff leader will focus the bulk of their efforts to equip, develop and disciple leaders, teams, and volunteers under their direction and supervision.

Here’s an overview of the current pastoral staff team along with areas of ministry. Please contact any of these staff with your ideas, thoughts, and questions about ministry at Knox. We are eager to partner together!

Ministry Directors

Staff members directing specific ministry programming:

Children’s Ministry Interim Director - Betty Reinders: is responsible for children’s ministries from 0 - gr. 8, including nursery, Tiny Tots, 252’s and Junior High Ministry.

International Ministries Interim Director: Colin McCordic: provides leadership for English as Second Language ministries and International Bible studies.

Young Adult Ministry Interim Director - Fiona Jack: is responsible for providing leadership and discipleship for our University ministry, engaging students in the life of Jesus.

Pastoral Lead Team

The pastors providing primary ministry leadership for our church:

Senior Minister - Rev. Dr. Phil Reinders: has primary preaching and teaching responsibilities, and provides key leadership for the overall Knox ministry vision and strategy, working closely with staff and Session.

Assistant Minister - (soon to be Rev.) Nick Renaud: shares preaching responsibilities, provides pastoral care and prayer ministry leadership, as well as ministry supervision to senior ministry staff (other than Sr. Minister).

Worship Pastor - Kristen Westwood: oversees all elements in the design and development of dynamic, biblical worship across all worship services, connecting worshippers to the story and presence of God, while developing leaders and a culture of participation within the worship ministry.

Discipleship Pastor - Ashlee Campbell: provides ministry leadership to Discipleship Ministries at Knox, including Home Church and Adult Discipleship programming, along with Youth Ministry oversight and direction.

Connections Pastor - Peter de Koning: this newly developed staff position is responsible for creating a culture of welcome and hospitality for all guests and church members, ensuring people are incorporated into the Knox Church family and shepherded into engagement in the body life of the church. Until December 2018, Peter will continue in a half-time role as Communications Coordinator. In January 2019, Peter will add the role of volunteer development, providing leadership for equipping, training and developing ministry volunteers.


Has your September been busy?


Saying goodbye