Journey through Lent with us
“A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:32-33)
Jesus is not ignorant of the many troubles of the world – but, rather, he sees through the trouble and the pain toward the cosmic realities of the abiding presence of his Father who loves him and the assured victory he has over, and for, the world that he made. In our Lenten sermon series, we look at Jesus as he deals with trouble in his own life and responds to it in the lives of others in his journey to the cross. How does Jesus speak peace to those who are struggling even as he prepares for the suffering he knows is before him? How might we receive Jesus’ words of peace in the difficulties of our lives, and how might we offer this peace to others who we meet in their suffering?
We hope you’re able to join us through Lent on Sunday and into our special Holy Week series to learn together. Bring a friend and strike up an important conversation. In this world there are many troubles: Loneliness, cultural expectations, sickness and mental illness, anxiety, deep sorrow – but, in the face of all these, Jesus invites us to take heart. He has overcome the world.
—Pastor Nick
Take a peek at the scriptures will be looking at:
MAR 6 - Facing Our Troubles - Luke 9:51-56, John 16:32-33
MAR 10 - Loneliness & Rejection - Luke 9:57-62
MAR 17 - Feeling Overwhelmed - Luke 10:38-42
MAR 24 - Spiritual Attack - Luke 11:14-28
MAR 31 - Worries in Life - Luke 12:22-34, Matthew 6:25-34
APR 7 - Feeling Unappreciated - Luke 13:31-35
APR 14 - Deep Sorrow - Luke 19:29-44
APR 18 - Betrayal - John 13
APR 19 - Suffering - John 19:1-37
See Holy Week Services and more here.
Resources for Lent
A conversational, short guide to Lent and fasting for Lent from IVCF's blog
A slightly academic explanation of Lent (for the church history enthusiasts)
A well-curated list of Lenten Devotionals
Consider deepening your spiritual reading through the resources available in the Knox Library. 80% of our materials are searchable in our online catalogue, and you can pick up your favourites on Sunday after the 11am. If you're at the 5pm service, feel free to ask staff member to check out the library.