Building & Property Update: February 2022

We are pleased to share that the Presbytery of East Toronto has approved the ground lease of the South portion of Knox Church site for redevelopment. Both Session and the Trustees will conduct a final review of the South side ground lease in March. Knox Church Site Renewal Plan, which was approved by our congregation in March 2021, includes the leasing of the South side of the Church site (currently occupied by the Fellowship Center) for the development of a mid-rise residential tower. The new development is planned to include mixed use rental housing and affordable housing, as well as a gym, underground parking and a loading dock, which Knox Church will benefit from.    

A we shared in the Knox Family Business Roundup e-newsletter, Session has approved the creation of a new commercial kitchen in the main Church building. The new commercial kitchen is scheduled to be constructed from July – December of 2022. The new kitchen will be located in the space currently occupied by the North kitchen and library.   

For more information on Knox Church site renewal effort, including the slide deck from the December 2, 2021 Site Renewal Information Session, please contact Tom Affleck, Please keep the BPC in your prayers during this important season of work on Knox Church site and facilities.

The Building and Property Committee
Alex Campbell, Sam Johansen, Kia Kavoosi, Chris Mudiappahpillai, Channing Sze, Margaret Zhong, Tom Affleck (staff), Kevin Pasma (staff)

More on our site renewal can be read here.

Any questions can be directed to Tom Affleck, Entrepreneurial Leader,


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