Finance & Trustees Update: February 2021

The following is a brief update from our Finance Team and Trustees prepared for our bi-monthly Family Business update email.

From the Finance Team

Our finance team are staff Kevin Pasma, Joy Zhuoyang, and Dave Livingston.

2020 donation tax receipts were sent out the last week of January 2021, via email if we have your email address on file, and via regular mail if we do not.  Thank you for your faithful and ongoing generous support of the ministry of Knox Church! 

Congregational givings are tracking behind budget by about 20% as further detailed in this table:


You can always give to the church online, by text, through offering envelopes, pre-authorized remittance (PAR) by electronic funds transfer, or credit card.  For envelopes, PAR or a direct credit card donation, contact Kevin Pasma,

Praise God that we have been able to access government relief measures to help fill gaps in our budgeted revenue—such as givings and facility rentals—owing to the pandemic. To date, we have received approximately $390K of emergency government relief targeted at keeping Canadians employed during the pandemic.

Thank you for prayers lifting up the financial challenges facing Knox World Mission, our global missions program. Thank God for His provision for our missionary family, and pray that God will continue to provide the funds necessary for us to carry out our calling as a global and local missions focussed church, as we “go and make disciples of every nation” (Matthew 28:19). Pray for the leadership of Knox Church as we come together to discern the Lord’s leading for our church in this regard.

From the Trustees

Our trustees are elected members: Paul Derksen (chair), Dan Andrews, Martha Brown, Alena Parkinson, and Jimmy Suheyto.

Our tenant with respect to our downtown property, made their rent payment due December 31, 2020!  Join us in giving thanks to God for His miraculous provision for us, notwithstanding the ongoing pandemic and the highly publicized challenges most tenants and landlords are facing, to date all of our rent payments have been received in full.

We are opening up the selection process for the grants we award to external Christian organizations. Every year the trustees award grants to external Christian organizations. The trustees are working to make this process more transparent and to welcome applications from a broader diversity of organizations. Information on the grant application process will be posted on the website in the near future. Please pray about what organizations you'd like Knox to consider supporting, and keep an eye out for the next step in the coming weeks.


Introducing our Interim Moderator, Stephen Kendall


Building & Property Committee Update: Site Renewal