Knox Refugee Sponsorship Update

Update from our Refugee Response Team: Elder Norine Love, Brenda Brouwer, and Adam Varro

You won't find the term "refugee" in the Bible but the Word of God has plenty to say about people called "strangers" and "foreigners". 

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in. 
—Matthew 25:35

He ... loves the foreigner residing among you,
giving them food and clothing.  
—Deuteronomy 10:18

Vietnam, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan... Over the decades, Knox has been following Christ in sponsoring refugee families to come join us here in the GTA. The needs of refugees worldwide continues to grow and we have the opportunity to use our gifts to continue in this important mission.

Over a year ago, our team formed to initiate our church’s next response to the ongoing Global refugee crises. On February 5, 2023 we extended an invitation to the congregation to join us in prayer, focusing on sponsorship. The prayer time was followed by Zoom meetings, and further prayer. Since February, an opportunity for refugee sponsorship has emerged from our existing and strengthening connections with the Afghan Church of the GTA and The Jesus Network. With Session's blessing, we are now proceeding to sponsor a family of 5, with logistical help from the Afghan Church. The family are converts to Christ from Afghanistan who fled their home region, and are currently living in difficult, temporary circumstances.

What happens now?


In preparation for sponsoring this family, we need to form the official team to lead the sponsorship process. In the sponsorship process, this is called a "Group of Five": Five Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have arranged to sponsor a refugee living abroad to come to Canada. Five Knox community members will liaise with the Sponsorship Agreement Holder (the Afghan Church of the GTA) and give oversight to the whole process of welcoming and helping the family to settle in Canada. The members of this group will: 

  • Commit to the entire length of the process—possibly 2-5 years. Much of this time will be waiting for and preparing for the family to arrive,  once they arrive we have a one year commitment.

  • Liaise with the Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) as they complete application forms on Knox's behalf;

  • Update the congregation on the application process;

  • Encourage the congregation to think about how they might use their gifts to serve the family as their arrival date approaches;

  • Encourage and guide prayer on behalf of the family;

  • Spearheading fund-raising initiatives.

The good news is that we already have two members offering to become part of Knox's Group of Five. Will you be one of the remaining three to join the group?

Is God prompting you to join this Group of Five? Do you have questions about the commitment? Contact Pastor Nestor ( or one of the other members of the refugee ministry team.


Later in the immigration process, when the family's arrival is anticipated, there will be a need for many more volunteers to respond to a wide range of practical needs. These needs will include:

  • coordinating finding suitable housing, furniture, household essentials;

  • compiling lists of volunteers/areas where help will be needed;

  • meeting and welcoming the family at the airport;

  • helping to orient them to Canadian life and supporting them through that critical first year as they complete required forms, including health insurance, social insurance and child tax benefits; open a bank account; learn English; find employment; access resources (e.g.: community support groups, settlement services); register children in school; locate a family physician and dentist, etc.

Are you interested in becoming part of this additional group, a working group which will see plenty of action supporting the ongoing work of the Group of Five? Please hold this item in prayer. We will not actively organize participants yet, but please talk with our committee members (Norine, Brenda, and Adam) about your interest and when the time comes, sign up!

MAKE A DONATION in the days ahead

Knox is committing to contribute at least $38,000 toward the necessary funding. As this is a co-sponsorship, the Afghan church will be adding to this amount. We know that the cost of living in Toronto is more than the average city so we know more funding will be helpful. In the days ahead, you can anticipate hearing ways you can give to share in the cost.

Our whole church is needed for this. Our prayers, friendship, and physical and financial support will make a world of difference for our sponsored family. We look forward to rising to the work ahead, together! We have God's command, His presence and His resources.


Resources for exploring violence in scripture


A Call to Justice and Reconciliation