Changes to Knox Ministries regarding COVID-19

Dear church,

As was stated in our previous update, we’ve been following news around COVID-19 closely and the last day has included many new developments, including the Government of Ontario closing public schools for two weeks following March Break (to contain any possible transmission after travelling), the University of Toronto suspending classes, and the City of Toronto closing libraries, licensed childcare centres, and March Break camps.

While community transmission has still not been observed in Toronto, the possibility is rising, especially since it is a time of the year when many people are coming back from being on holiday. As such, we are reviewing which ministry events—including Sunday worship services—ought to be suspended for the time being. 

In light of these recent developments, our church leadership has decided to suspend worship services for the Sundays of March 22 and March 29. We have made this decision in anticipation of the return of travellers after March Break and in light of the inherent risk of large group gatherings with singing.

We will still hold church services this Sunday, March 15, with modified practices around passing the peace, collecting the offering, cancelling coffee hour, and not celebrating communion in the evening service. All Children’s Ministries (nursery, Tiny Tots, 252s, Jr. High)  will also be cancelled this week out of an abundance of caution. This service will provide us with the opportunity to communicate the suspended services for the rest of March to people who otherwise might not hear the news. 

If you don’t feel comfortable joining us this Sunday, please remain at home – the sermon audio will be posted online as usual. In the following weeks while we pause our usual worship practices, we will plan to have a live stream or some alternate form of worship made available.

Please note that we are not making this decision out of fear. Rather we are making this decision out of love – love for our church family that could be exposed, love for our city that is asking large gatherings be suspended for the purpose of public health, and love for healthcare professionals who are asking that we try to mitigate the spread of this virus to ensure they have capacity for all who need help.

We hope that each person in our church will exhibit a posture of love and generosity, as you choose to regularly check in on those who might feel especially isolated in a season without the social opportunities church can provide, or as you offer to pick up groceries for a neighbour who is unable to leave their home. This is an opportunity for us to practice love in deep and meaningful ways when there are far too many stories of fear leading to panicked selfishness.

In the coming days, you will hear news that might make you anxious, and, as we continue to identify what ministries may need to change or stop to protect the health of our community, you might feel isolated or alone. Know that you are not alone and that your pastors and elders will be making time available to respond to emails, have phone conversations, and journey with you. Please reach out to a pastor or elder if you need to talk, to pray about any fear or anxiety you may be feeling, or want to hear a friendly and familiar voice. 

As things continue to change, we should all take solace in the promise our God makes to God’s people in Isaiah 43 –

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When you pass through the waters,

    I will be with you;

and when you pass through the rivers,

    they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire,

    you will not be burned;

    the flames will not set you ablaze.”

Even in the face of uncertain and troubling times, we have reason for hope, reason to extend love in powerful ways, reason to trust in our God who saves us.

In Christ, 


The Rev. Nick Renaud

Assistant Minister

(416) 921-8993 x.3231


A word from Pastor Phil on the pandemic


An Update Regarding COVID-19