A word from Pastor Phil on the pandemic

Hello Knox family:

Although I have been away from Knox on sabbatical during this time of uncertainty and pandemic, you have not been far from my heart and prayers.

I wanted to let you know that I will be ending my sabbatical early to return to Toronto and pastoral duties at Knox. Our family is cutting short a trip out of country, responding to the Prime Minister’s call to return home, leaving on Thursday and arriving Friday—please pray for our safety during that trip.

I’ll be resuming regular duties (well, nothing regular these days, is there?) on arrival, however, working from home as our family will need to self-isolate for 14 days. I’ll work under the leadership of Pastor Nick and the Knox staff while I’m in self-isolation, which will allow me to be brought up to speed.

I’m so proud of and thankful for the exceptional leadership of Pastor Nick, the Knox staff and Session during this crisis, so grateful for their wise planning and action. What a good gift they are to all of us and I look forward to joining their fine leadership.

In addition to the good pastoral counsel you’ve received from them, let me add my own encouragement to rest in the providence of our good and sovereign God.

As Paul writes, let us “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7). My new practice is that every time I wash my hands for 20 seconds, I pray—washing away anxiety, offering my requests for God’s good work, allowing His peace to flow over and through me (if you do this, you will pray a lot during the day).

I have good confidence in the power of the gospel and my hope for the church is that we would be messengers of hope in a time of fear, people of compassion who love others well.

Looking forward to being back home in Toronto and with you all soon.

The peace of Jesus to you.

Your friend and Pastor,



Community resources in light of COVID-19


Changes to Knox Ministries regarding COVID-19