Advent Series: Giving in our Waiting

Remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ —Acts 20:35b

Advent is a season of waiting. As days grow cold and dark, we wait for light to burst forth again. Even as the prophets of old waited for the Messiah, we who now call Jesus “Lord” wait for the culmination of his kingdom, and the reconciliation of all things. We desire to see a world of God’s hope, peace, joy, and love – to experience these things for ourselves. We’re waiting for the good gift of God when there will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain.

Even as we wait to receive that good gift, as we wait for Jesus to usher in his eternal kingdom, as we wait with longing and expectant hearts – we remember the words of our Lord: it is more blessed to give than to receive. Christmas, in our culture, is a time where giving and receiving so often go hand in hand: but what would it look like for us to cheerfully give even as we wait patiently for that which God has promised to the world – as we’re unsure when we may receive those good gifts, ourselves?

While we wait together in these dark days of advent, we’ll talk about sharing light. As we wait for the fulfilment of our hope, we will seek to offer that flame of hope to others. As we anticipate the fullness of peace, and joy, and love, we will choose to give freely of these things which seem to be in such short supply. We will give generously, trusting in the lavish abundance of our good God, even as we wait for the coming of his great and glorious day.

Join us for worship this season as we await the joy of Christmas, God’s movement to dwell among us.

First Sunday of Advent / November 28
Hope ( Luke 2:22-40 )

We’re waiting for or expecting many things this advent season (maybe healing, peace, justice, work…). But Advent is about Christ with us, giving us hope.

2nd Sunday of Advent / December 5
Peace ( Isaiah 26:7-12,16-21 )

Peace is something we yearn for—but it doesn’t come cheaply or easily. It comes as a gift that we’ve participated in creating, a labour done with great pain. Peace requires justice, and in seeking justice we may find deeper peace than we imagined was possible.

3rd Sunday of Advent / December 12
Joy ( Luke 1:26-45 )

A season of cheer that’s often mistaken for joy, but true joy is seen as a woman commits herself to God’s calling, and the repercussions of that commitment inspire joy in the lives of others (even in an unborn child). How might our commitment to following the way of Jesus create joy for others who see that in us?

4th Sunday of Advent / December 19
Love ( John 3:16-21 )

To share God’s love with the world, Jesus didn’t call out from heaven, or pine from afar, but came to us—to be with us. We who loved darkness needed to have light burst in for us to see and know God’s love. Love shared still requires that we go to others, to be like Jesus and meet people where they are, bringing the light of God with us to offer a better love than has been known.


A note about worship this season from Rev. Nick


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