Building & Property Committee | September Update

Pause on renovations; Tom’s Contract finishing; Chris stepping in as Interim Chair

Now that the new commercial kitchen has been completed, there will be a lull in major construction projects at the church until revenue from leasing portions of the property to the South and North of the Main Church building is defined. As a result, we anticipate that it will be at least 3 years until we can conduct major renovation projects on the Main Church building. Considering this reality, and the fact that we are soon hiring a new Executive Director, leadership has elected to lay off Tom Affleck, Entrepreneurial Leader effective December 31st, 2023.  Tom’s leadership of the site renewal, and previous work creating the Missions Hub, has been deeply important to the life and ministry of Knox. The Building and Property Committee is sincerely thankful to Tom. A time to celebrate Tom’s work while on staff will be held later this Fall.    

Given the staffing transition between Tom and the future Executive Director, Chris Mudiappahpillai has agreed to serve as the Interim Chair of the Building and Property Committee (BPC).  Chris has served on the BPC for 7 years and has a solid understanding of the site renewal effort.  Along with the other 4 members of the BPC (Channing Sze, Margaret Zhong, Martha Brown, Sam Johansen), Chris will work with the new Executive Director to keep the site renewal moving forward. Tom Affleck will be available to support the site renewal on a limited, hourly basis in 2024.


Building & Property Committee | October Update


October is Missions Month!