Building & Property Update: January 2022

After receiving initial congregational approval in March 2021 and then again in June of 2021 (Congregational budget), the Session of Knox Church has given final approval for the construction of a new commercial kitchen in the main Church building.  The new commercial kitchen will be constructed to the South of the Winchester Room, in the spaces currently occupied by the North kitchen and library.  This new kitchen will significantly increase Knox Church’s ability to host events, run programming and conduct rentals.  It will also provide Knox Church with a fully functioning kitchen when the Fellowship Hall is demolished to make room for the new South side residential development (est. 2026 / 2027).

 From February to April, the team at Kearns and Mancini Architects will be working on the construction drawings for the new commercial kitchen.  Part of this exercise will be ensuring that the new commercial kitchen integrates with, and can continue to operate during, the planned Phase 2 construction in 2026 / 2027 when the renewal of the remainder of the main Church building is scheduled to be completed.  The Building and Property Committee plans to tender the new commercial kitchen project in the Spring, with construction set to be completed between July – December 2022.  During the construction period, disruption to Knox Church programming will be kept to a minimum and the Winchester Room will continue to be a functional space. 

 Here is the schematic drawing for the new commercial kitchen:

Kitchen Renovation Floor Plan

Please keep the Building and Property Committee in your prayers as we continue to work towards the renewal of Knox Church site and facilities. 

The Building and Property Committee
Alex Campbell, Sam Johansen, Kia Kavoosi, Chris Mudiappahpillai, Channing Sze, Margaret Zhong, Tom Affleck (staff), Kevin Pasma (staff)

More on our site renewal can be read here.

Any questions can be directed to Tom Affleck, Entrepreneurial Leader,


Pastoral Staff Notes: January 2022


Finance Update: January 2022