Finance Update: January 2022

Our finance team are staff Kevin Pasma, Joy Zhuoyang, and Dave Livingston.

2021 donation tax receipts were sent out the second last week of January 2022, via email if we have your email address on file, and via regular mail if we do not.  Thank you for your faithful and ongoing generous support of the ministry of Knox Church! 

Congregational givings are tracking behind budget by about 30% as further detailed in this table:

You can always give to the church online, by text, through offering envelopes, pre-authorized remittance (PAR) by electronic funds transfer, or credit card. Giving information is always at For envelopes, PAR or a direct credit card donation, contact Kevin Pasma,

Praise God that we have been able to access government relief measures to help fill gaps in our budgeted revenue—such as givings and facility rentals—owing to the pandemic. To date during the pandemic, we have received approximately $535K of emergency government relief targeted at keeping Canadians employed during the pandemic.


Building & Property Update: January 2022


Trustees Update: January 2022