Trustees Update: January 2022

A big thank you to Martha Brown and Alena Parkinson for their contributions and faithful service as trustees over many years. Martha Brown served as a trustee since 2004 and Alena Parkinson began serving in 2019.  

Thank you to Victoria Bell Varro and David Geleynse for being willing to serve as trustees this year. Welcome!

JKTF Grant 2022

It is that time of year again when we assess applications from external Christian organizations and determine the grants funded from the Jesse Ketchum Trust Fund (JKTF).

Over the past few years, the Trustees have begun to sort through how to better inform you (our congregation) about this grant process and invite input into who is awarded funding. Last year, in a push to raise awareness and diversify the organizations we extend grants to, we asked the congregation to spread the word of the grant process widely. Thank you so much to everyone who helped get the word out last year! With your help, we added two new organizations to support. 

Below you’ll find a recap of the organizations who received grant funds last year.

This year, the focus is to maintain the relationships with the organizations we’ve established in previous years and to ensure there is alignment between support provided by Knox World Mission and the organizations supported by the JKTF grants (i.e., ensure we are not funding the same organization from two different internal bodies).

If you have any questions about the Jesse Ketchum Trust Fund, just reach out to us!

With thanks,

The Trustees
Paul Derksen (chair), Dan Andrews, Victoria Bell Varro, David Geleynse, Jimmy Susetyo

2021 JKTF Grant Distribution

Grants to Other Presbyterian and other Church Bodies

  • ARISE offers a ministry of outreach, case management and pastoral care to individuals that are or that have been involved in the sex trade.

  • Grant used to support church ministry in remote northern BC and First Nations Communities.

  • Grant is directed to the spiritual care program at this agency that supports individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness, and social isolation in Toronto.

  • Grant is directed to this church plant in downtown Toronto.

Theological Education Grants  

  • Knox College is a postgraduate theological college that strives to educate followers of Jesus to think deeply about God, live authentically in Christ, and lead courageously by the power of the Holy Spirit, in shifting spiritual and social landscapes.

  • The Presbyterian College is a seminary that desires to shape transformational leaders who contribute to the renewal of Christ’s church and to God’s mission in the world.

  • A Christian university in Toronto offering a wide range of programs at the undergraduate, seminary and graduate levels.

  • The Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism is a ministry offered to the wider church. It provides a wealth of resources to help grow evangelizing congregations.

  • Regent College’s mission is to cultivate intelligent, vigorous, and joyful commitment to Christ, His church and His world. The grant from the JKTF is directed to bursaries for two students.

Mission Agencies and Organizations

  • Created to support local churches in Canada, especially in rural areas. Leading weekly kids and youth clubs and pulpit supplies.

  • FFM wants to help Christians understand Muslims, pray for them, and relate God's love to them effectively.

  • Grants are provided as scholarships to teachers-in-training in Indonesia. These teachers can share the Christian faith with unreached children in Indonesia through high quality education.

  • The goal of Scripture Union is to connect Canadians with Jesus and His story. The ministry engages children, youth, and families with God through a variety of sports and other ministry initiatives.

  • Through God’s transformational power, the Toronto City Mission builds loving relationships to bring hope to children and families impacted by poverty.

  • Faith based ministry committed to sharing the good news of Christ with grace and compassion by serving refugee claimants to Canada.


Finance Update: January 2022


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