Finance Update: May 2022

Our finance team are staff Kevin Pasma and Joy Zhuoyang. 

Congregational givings are tracking behind budget by about 25% as further detailed in this table:

You can always give to the church online, by text, through offering envelopes, pre-authorized remittance (PAR) by electronic funds transfer, or credit card.  For envelopes, PAR or a direct credit card donation, contact Kevin Pasma,

Thank you for your faithful and ongoing generous support of the ministry of Knox Church! 

Pray with us

Praise God that we were approved for 2 grants recently including $50K of federal government funding for our 2022 summer camp staff team, and $10K of provincial government funding for improving the security of our building and for training for our staff and lay leaders.

Please join us in prayer for the transition of our finance team.  As we previously shared, due to a family medical emergency our new Director of Finance resigned after serving only one day with us. In addition, our Finance Manager Joy Zhuoyang has let us know that she plans to move back to Tibet, where her family lives, this fall.  Given this, we are looking to recruit 2 new finance team members over the next several months, and we have engaged a Christian search firm to help us broaden our search.  We are grateful that Kevin has offered to extend his time on staff with the church until we have our new finance team in place and our finance ministry has been transitioned to the new team. 


Staff Notes: May 2022


Building & Property Update: May 2022