Gracious Response: Afghanistan

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to hear from Pastor Obed Rod of the Afghan Church of the GTA. Through his ministry he is constantly in contact with Afghans in Afghanistan as he broadcasts gospel programs 3 times a week. His Bible videos reach thousands, but recently he has been flooded with responses as the Taliban crept closer to Kabul. While we in the west may have only been hearing of this situation recently, it has been ominous for those in Afghanistan for years. We pray for Obed as he sifts through thousands of messages from scared countrymen and women!

As the situation in Afghanistan deteriorates, the Canadian government has pledged to resettle 20,000 refugees. Pr. Obed has been a part of these government conversations and his church is now organizing to be a part of the Canadian citizen response. 

A fund has been set up through Obed's Afghan Church bank account for refugee support. This fund will only be used for helping refugees. 100% of the funds will go to refugees and we will have more details of how many people we will be helping in the coming days. It may be hundreds or thousands we do not know yet. 

At Knox, we’re inviting all to support the refugee outreach efforts of the Afghan Church of the GTA. 


Make a donation to the refugee support work of the Afghan Church of the GTA. Please indicate “refugee support” in the message box. 

For updates on their efforts, you can follow Pr. Obed on facebook at 


Use this list as a resource for your prayers. Print this Prayer PDF to post somewhere to prompt you.

  • Pray for the country of Afghanistan that the transition into a new political regime will result in peace.

  • For Afghan Christians to be protected from persecution.

  • For the Afghan Christians to be strengthened in their faith in the midst of the persecution and that this endurance will be a light of their witness for Christ.

  • For protection for Afghans who are fleeing the country and become refugees and foreigners.

  • For the smooth implementation of the plan of the Canadian government to bring in 20,000 Afghan refugees.

  • For Afghan women and children to be given space to learn, live in peace, and be free from oppressive power structures  that limit their freedom.

  • For Canadians to respond to the call to support initiatives that will help the people of Afghanistan through donations, advocacy, prayer, and becoming welcoming community.

  • Pray for Afghanistan's situation as the Taliban take over.

  • For the ministry of the Jesus Network and the Afghan Church of the GTA (ACGTA) that they will remain steadfast in their ministry to Muslims and Afghans.

  • Pray for the Jesus Network and the ACGTA as they seek to raise funds to support the Canadian government’s refugee resettlement program.


Fall 2021 Sermon Series


Remembering Dwight McBride