Introducing our New University & Young Adult Pastor: Nicky Laxton-Ward

Portrait of Nicky Laxton-Ward

This month we are excited to introduce Nicky Laxton-Ward to our ministry team. Nicky will be serving as our University and Young Adult pastor. You’ll be seeing her around on Sundays at both morning and evening worship in the days ahead. If you’re a young adult, I know she is eager to meet you! And folks of all ages, join us in welcome her to our church family! Read more about Nicky here.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am married to Ian and we have three children.  Ian and I met when I was an international student studying Geography in Ottawa, while both serving at a summer camp in Muskoka. I have worked most of my career  in student ministry with InterVarsity in Toronto and, most recently, I have been working with young people at churches in Scarborough and Richmond Hill. I am excited to be returning downtown, and especially to Knox. Our family has been blessed for many years through love of those serving through the Knox youth group and over multiple summers at Knox Summer Camps.

What excites you about working with students and young adults?

I came to know Jesus at university in England, through the ministry of InterVarsity.  I love working with people at this important stage of life, as they investigate and question faith and formulate convictions. It is my joy to walk alongside students and young adults as they seek Jesus in their lives and studies, and as they take risks and grow in leadership.  

Through your years of discipling youth and young adults, what have you noticed change or remain the same about how young people engage with the gospel?

I have noticed an increased awareness of the negative impact of colonialism on mission work.  I see a desire in students to address this and to work towards making things right. I’m so grateful for the work of the Missions Hub (based here at Knox) in helping students think through the issues and respond appropriately. 

You’ve been living in or around Toronto for a big part of your life now. Tell us what you love about the city. 

There is so much that I love about Toronto: I love the diversity of people - hearing stories and learning cultures. I love the history and architecture of the cityscape. I love the beauty of the green spaces and the lake. I love the multiple university and college campuses, and the variety of contributions that each campus brings to the city. I love the opportunities to learn and serve and … I love the amazing variety of food!

Is there a piece of scripture or an aspect of God that’s been front of mind in this season for you? Tell us about that.

In the turbulence of the last few years, I have been drawn to Philippians 4:7:  “May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” It is my prayer that many in the city would come to know and live out of this deep peace.

How can we support and pray for you as you begin this season of ministry with us?

I’d love your prayers for opportunities to connect with and support students and young adults. Pray for opportunities to encounter Jesus together and to be sent out by Him to serve the city and the world. Pray for my family, that together we would experience the peace of God.

Nicky can be reached at


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