New Outreach to Primary Caregivers of Young Kids Launching November 16

This October’s Missions Moment featured Kim Morrison, our new Community Outreach Coordinator. If you missed us at worship on Sunday, we’d love to catch you up to let you know about something new we’re about to launch that we’ve been praying for and working on for some time now! 

Donate welcome gift items

To help us start well, we’re gathering the following new items to create some small gifts for program participants.

Adult and toddler tooth brushes and tooth paste

Baby shampoo or soap

Children’s books

Craft supplies (Crayons, construction paper, kid’s scissors, glue, etc)

Individually wrapped snack foods (nut free, suitable for kids under 4yrs)

Baby formula

Items to donate can be left in the big bins you’ll see at the church in the hallway and Sanctuary. If you have any questions, just reach out to Kim,

Samantha Mudiappahpillai: Hi Kim! We are so glad to have you onboard as our new Community Outreach Coordinator. Tell us a little bit about your background and what you’re excited for here. 

Kim Morrison: Well, I’ve worked in social services and in churches always with a focus of living out my faith in assisting people in need. I’ve worked with the Salvation Army as a coordinator of community & family services; with Teen Challenge’s Ontario Women’s Center which is a Christian addictions facility; and I’ve volunteered for many years with Samaritan’s Purse Children’s Heart Project. It’s a Christian relief agency that coordinates care for and hosting of international patients, particularly moms and children visiting Toronto for surgery at Sick Kids.

Knox has a long history of reaching out into this community and I am very excited for what the Lord is doing here. Many individuals have worked hard to see what services were the most needed—I’d like to extend a big thanks to the Justice & Mercy committee for their vision and planning. This church has a vision to minister to single moms and their families, particularly low income families, and specifically those with young children four years old and under.

SM: Tell us a little more about the hopes and goals of the outreach program you’ll be spearheading.

KM: Picking up with the foundation laid by the Justice & Mercy Committee, our plan is to reach out in a new way, to come alongside primary caregivers of babies and small children who need our assistance, and where we think we’ll be most effective. 

We are working towards the goals of promoting healthy self esteem and resilience, strengthening families and promoting healthy parenting, enhancing life skills, and promoting a sense of belonging and connection to the community. Our desire is to foster an environment for reflection and growth, and offer spiritual care and chaplaincy when appropriate.

It is our hope that over time as we build relationships, we can make a tangible difference in people’s lives and contribute to long term stability for those we work with, as we endeavour to be the hands and feet of Jesus in all that we do.

SM: This sounds amazing and I imagine you’ll not be doing this alone! Tell us how we can join in this newly forming ministry. 

KM: First of all, we need your prayers! We ask for your prayers as we step out in faith and start this group on Wednesday, November 16 from 2:00-5:00pm and ask that God will prepare our hearts for those who we will meet.

Secondly, we will need people to serve! We are in need of those who are interested in building relationships with the moms and their children one afternoon per month. Volunteers will help with the set-up, serving refreshments, a time of sharing, and help with children’s activities and crafts. We also plan to have time for special interest sessions each gathering such as financial literacy, parenting skills, life skills coaching, or special crafts for the moms. If any members of the congregation are interested and have expertise in any of those areas, I’d love to hear from you. Most importantly, we’ll need folks who can be present to foster an environment of inclusion, acceptance, and care. If any of this sounds like something you’d love to participate in, you can contact me at

Thirdly, we are receiving select donations of personal items for parents and children as welcome gifts. In the coming weeks, we’re aiming to put together about 20 packages including items such as: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and soap, children’s books, craft supplies, individually wrapped snack foods (nut free please!), and formula. You’ll soon see bins out in the hall and sanctuary at the church and you can drop your donations there. 

SM: Anything else you’d like to add? 

KM: Just that if you’re interested in learning more about this outreach, potentially volunteering, or have ideas you would like to share, please reach out to me at I’ll be around the church about twice a week and look forward to getting to know more of you! Thank you so much in advance for your prayers and consideration. 

SM: Thank you Kim! We look forward to seeing (and participating in!) this new ministry opportunity God is stirring among us.


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