Knox Camps 2021

“You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.” —Joshua 23:14

If I had to choose one word to describe this year, it would be “wishy-washy.” The constant changing of rules, temporary transitions from in-person learning to virtual, seeing family one week and not knowing it will be the last time for months; I think we can all agree it’s hard to keep up. What we want is something reliable. Something constant. A promise. 

Promises are especially important to children. As we grow older, we have less faith in these promises from our governments or our co-workers, but children do not take promises lightly. To them, promises are binding; when they are broken, they are heartbreaking. That is why for this year’s bible theme, we have chosen “God keeps his promises.” Although it is hard to keep up with which promises to believe right now, we want our campers to know when God makes a promise, He will keep it. 

Over the five years I’ve been a part of Knox Camp, camp has changed dramatically and served in so many ways. This somewhat “wishy-washy” time for Knox Camp has brought on the end of Overnight Camp, the creation of Virtual Camp, and various other changes, but through it all, Knox Camp has still always strived to find the best way to serve the needs of this community which is something I admire. 

Another constant at Knox Camp is its care for leaders. Camp has helped me grow more than you can know through the various roles I’ve gotten to take on, through the support of my fellow leaders, and through the opportunities to step into bigger leadership roles each summer. Through planting seeds for Jesus in the campers' lives, the leaders grow just as much as the kids.

Last year's online camp was a surprising success and we hope to continue the trend with this year’s program. Our five returning staff and five new staff are so excited to create something fun and exciting for our campers this summer. It would mean so much to us if you could spread the word about this incredibly unique and affordable opportunity and to pray for camp’s success.

And on a personal note, I want to thank all of you at Knox for continuing to nurture this ministry so that everyone who is touched by it can feel supported and loved, whether camper or leader. While this will be my last year at camp as a leader, I know it will not be the last camp sees of me, and that’s a promise!

God Bless!

Brianna (Bri Bri)


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Building & Property Committee Update: May 2021