Knox Camps needs your help!

We have an important update about Knox Camps to share with you!

Knox Camps is our summer ministry that has served children and families in our neighbourhood for over 50 years. Our camp operates for seven weeks through July and August offering full day, affordable camp to kindergarteners to teens. We play games, learn worship songs, hear stories about God’s love for us and for the world, learn skills, build relationships and so much more. Knox Camps serves all children, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender or ability and provides subsidies to families who face financial barriers to attending camp.

Every year, we apply for a government grant that funds the majority of our camp staffing costs. This grant helps us to keep camp affordable for families in our neighbourhood. This week I found out some hard news: I was told by an aide in our MPs office that the amount of grant funding available this year was reduced but the volume of applications was much higher. Only 1 out of 5 jobs that applied for this grant will receive funding this year. So, unexpectedly, Knox Camps will not receive any funding this year!

But we are not out of hope! Gillian (our camp director) and I are asking our church family and extended community to partner with us this year to make camp happen.

With prayer and faith, we are going to fundraise $70,000.

These funds will give the opportunity for our amazing camp staff team to create an awesome camp experience, exercise their growing leadership skills, and be mentored in faith this summer. 

These funds will enable a breadth of kids from in and around our neighbourhood to enjoy a summer full of fun, friendships, and a taste of God’s transforming love.

These funds will enable us to keep camp an affordable option for even more families that otherwise would not have access to summer camp. 

Just to share one quick story: Last spring there was a grandmother who walked past the church and saw the sign out front promoting summer camp. Hoping to be able to send her preteen granddaughter, she checked out the website and saw that we not only had spaces, but also that our low cost meant she could afford to send her granddaughter to camp all summer long. By the end of week 7, her granddaughter had developed deep relationships with her camp leaders and staff — she knew that she was loved and deeply cared for. I will never forget her tearful goodbye and the impact that camp made in her life.

There are so many stories we could tell you about the impact Knox Camps! Camp is a place the Spirit moves and your support is very meaningful. 

Will you give today to join in making Knox Camp happen this summer?

To financially partner with camp this summer you can give in all the ways you normally give at Knox.

(Give by cash or cheque made out to Knox Presbyterian Church, using an envelope and indicating your gift to Knox Camp. Drop it in the Sunday offering plate or mail or drop it off at the church.

We know that this ask is above and beyond your regular giving: we really appreciate your generosity. AND if you know anyone in your circle you think would be up for supporting camp, please spread the word! Share this update to all your friends who love the city!

As always, we also covet your prayers and encourage you to keep camp, our staff hiring, our campers, and this urgent need in your prayers. Our God provides and ask in good faith to see lives transformed by his love through this amazing ministry.

With thanks and faith,

Frances, Kids, Youth & Camp Ministries Pastor
Gillian, Knox Camps Directory


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