Lent Sermon Series: Stories Before The Cross

There comes a point in Jesus’ ministry where “Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem”; where Jesus turns his face toward the cross and from that moment on is walking toward his death. On the way to that cross, Jesus continues to teach his friends about the road they’re walking with him, the road all followers of Jesus must walk. He teaches in parables, stories full of truth that open our eyes to things they were blind to before. He tells these stories to help his friends see and understand the life he chooses to live for them, and the life he invites us to live for him and for the world that he loves.

This Lent, you’re invited to come with us on the road to the cross and to listen to the stories that Jesus tells on the way, to consider what these stories mean for our lives and for our world, and how they invite us to follow more closely in Jesus’ resolute way of loving service, of chosen sacrifice, of abiding friendship to the whole world.

Below you can find the themes and scripture we’ll explore, as well as times and dates for worship through Lent and up to Easter. We hope you’ll join us.

—Rev. Nick Renaud

Lent Sermon Series: Stories before the Cross

FEB 17 @ 7:30 / Zoom - Ash Wednesday
Find details for preparation and the Zoom link here.

FEB 21 @ 11am / Sunday Livestream - First Sunday in Lent
Matthew 13:44-46, 16:21-28
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, like a pearl of great price. Do we have eyes to know the kingdom of heaven when we see it, and do we love it so fully to give of everything that we have in the pursuit of it?

FEB 28 @ 11am / Sunday Livestream - Second Sunday in Lent
Luke 12:13-21
The pandemic has offered many people a clarifying view of what matters in their life. This parable is a parable about what matters most in the world. The rich fool seemed to have a pretty clear idea of what that was for him: an early retirement, an easy life, lots to eat and drink and plenty of reason to be merry. Yet, the choices he made to achieve that goal did not bear fruit. What opportunities to better love God, to better love his neighbours, did he miss in selfish ambition? What opportunities might we be missing in the areas of our lives that really matter the most?

MAR 7 @ 11am / Sunday Livestream - Third Sunday in Lent
Luke 14:1-24
“Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the Kingdom of God” - Jesus does not dispute the truth of this statement, but offers a parable that might challenge how we think about it. Who do we imagine are those blessed to enjoy the feast in the Kingdom? Are these the same people who have always clamoured for seats of honour, who have always been invited to every good party, who often have better things to do than to be present in the surprising times and places that God’s kingdom shows up?

MAR 14 @ 11am / Sunday Livestream - Fourth Sunday in Lent
Matthew 20:1-16
Jesus paints a picture of the justice and rewards of God’s coming kingdom—a picture which may be a great comfort for some, but even the parable acknowledges it unsettles many. All who follow Jesus are invited and challenged to realize that the way of the kingdom that they labour for is not the way they would have imagined for themselves, is not the kingdom they would have established—but that’s good, our kingdoms continue to fail us and it’s only the lavish kingdom of our prodigal God that can truly provide for all of our needs.

MAR 21 @ 11am / Sunday Livestream - Fifth Sunday in Lent
Matthew 21:28-32
It’s so often easier to say we’ll do something but not do it than to dare to say we’ll not do it at all - many of us are more concerned with our image than with our actions. Not so for those who will enter the kingdom of heaven - it is those who do the will of the Father who enter the kingdom, even those whose images and reputations would suggest otherwise, even those who at first said no to walking the road with Jesus but in good time caught up with him on their way.

MAR 28 @ 11am / Sunday Livestream - Palm Sunday
Luke 19:28-44; Luke 20:9-19
Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, a city that has killed the prophets of God and now cannot see its own demise on the horizon. Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, as he willingly enters it, fully aware of the cross that waits for him there. Jesus then tells a story about Jerusalem, about the people who have rejected God’s way time and again, and the lengths God is willing to go to get their attention.

Holy Week & Easter Services

MAR 31 @ 7:30pm / Zoom - Holy Wednesday: Contemplative Prayer

APR 2 @ 11:00am / Livestream - Good Friday

APR 4 @ 11:00am / LIvestream - Easter


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