Pastoral Staff Notes: February 2021

Pr. Nestor, Global & Local Missions

  • Our Monday ESL continues to grow - praise God! We have over 60 participants and a need for a few more teachers once more. Please pray for God’s spirit to move through us and to gather enough volunteers to meet the need.

  • In September, a program review of the KYDFB contracted by Evangel Hall Mission was completed. Pray for our committee as they reflect on the review and consider plans for moving forward with community ministry. You can expect updates on our plans before the summer.

  • Pray for God’s care for those we support through our grocery hamper distribution.

  • We would love to widen our leadership for KWM! Do you have a passion for God’s mission and interest in shaping the plans for how we participate in this work at Knox? Please contact me at or feel free to suggest someone, as well. I would be happy to reach out.

  • Join us Sunday, February 21 at 2pm for a new quarterly Missionary gathering. Find the details are here.

Pr. Frances, Interim Children’s Ministry Director

  • We look forward to sharing about Lent during Kids’ Moments in the weeks ahead.

  • Our youth continue to meet online on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays. It’s a fun time of games and connection.

  • We look forward to Knox Camps and appreciate prayer over the hiring process. We submitted our applications for the Canada Summer Jobs grant, too, which usually finances a number of our camp staff.

  • I’d love your continued prayers for finding creative ways to minister to families as the pandemic continues. Thank you! 

Brandon Davis, Interim Worship Coordinator

  • There will be a virtual choir for Easter, similar to what we had for Christmas. I’ll be reaching out to people soon to join. All ages and skill levels are welcome. If you’ve never sung in worship or choir at Knox before, but would like to participate, please email me at

  • The sanctuary is being outfitted for future livestreaming. Tom and Donovan have approved of the project, so the process of installing our cameras will move forward. Completion is anticipated to be mid-Spring.

Pastor Jason, University & Young Adults, is taking a period of extended leave from work for personal reasons. If you have need to speak with a pastor and would normally speak with Jason, please connect with Rev. Nick or Pr. Nestor in the coming weeks. Join us in praying for Jason in this season.


Building & Property Committee Update: Site Renewal


Lent Sermon Series: Stories Before The Cross