Elder Selection Process 2024
Intro | Process Overview | Schedule
Elder Role | Elder Eligibility | Book of Forms
Book of Forms: Election of Elders
106. The eldership is a “spiritual function as is ministry” and the qualifications for office are those laid down in the “express Word of God”, and namely canons written by the Apostle Paul. (2 Book of Discipline VI, 2, 3).
106.1 An elder must be a professing member of the congregation and must be an “example to the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity” (I Tim 4-12).
108.2 In congregations that have instituted term service for elders, one third of the session shall be elected every two years.
108.3 Elders may resign the active exercise of the office at any time during their term of service (Declaratory Act 1985).
109.3 The session is responsible for the election and admission of elders. It is the duty of session to judge the qualifications of those nominated or elected by vote of the congregation to the office of elder, and by its own resolution to admit them to membership.
132. Only suitable men and women who are committed Christians, in regular attendance at public worship, of sound judgment and upright character, and either knowledgeable or prepared to learn the government of the church should be considered.
132.1 When the session has resolved to add to the number of elders, it first gives notice of this resolution to the congregation, and proceeds in one of the following ways.
132.1.4 The session forms a nominating committee. Nominations are also open to the congregation as a whole with the nominating period spread over three successive Sundays. Nominations from the congregation must be in writing and made by at least two persons. A day is set aside for voting with at least two Sundays’ notice given of the same. Election will normally be by ballot.
132.3 The right of electing elders is vested in the professing members of the congregation.
132.4 After the nomination the session deals with the candidates as to their acceptance of office, and satisfies itself in regard to their piety, prudence and knowledge of Divine truth, of the government and discipline of the church, and of the duties of the eldership.