Elder Selection Process 2024

Intro  |  Process Overview  |  Schedule
Elder Role  |  Elder Eligibility  |  Book of Forms

Eligibility for Nomination to Eldership

Scripturally, church leaders are charged to “have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. They must be self-controlled, sensible, well-behaved, friendly to strangers, and able to teach. They must not be heavy drinkers or troublemakers.  Instead, they must be kind and gentle and not love money. Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful … They must not be new followers of the Lord … Finally, they must be well-respected by people who are not followers.”
—I Timothy 3:1-7

Nominees should possess:

Calling: Calling is both inward and outward. A candidate should desire to serve and be recognized by others as possessing the gifts and graces necessary for the task.

Character: Though no leader can expect to be perfect, he or she must be exemplary, modeling in a consistent way the character of Christ. 1 Timothy 1-3 and Titus 1:5-9 offer a useful summary of the character qualifications.

Competency: God calls elders to serve in distinct and varying ways. A candidate should evidence the inclination and ability to fulfill the role of Elder, able to equip and care for people spiritually and should know their way around the Bible. They should be comfortable praying with people in need and be good managers.

Compatibility: Candidates need to understand and align themselves with the Knox life and vision.

Comprehension: Candidates need to understand and accept Knox's convictions about theology and church government. This involves commitment to the Bible's authority, to Presbyterian Church government, and to the confessional standards of the church.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s constitution, The Book of Forms, lays out the following requirements of those called to the office of elder:

132. Election to the eldership is the call of God, through the congregation, for service in Christ’s Church.  Since the eldership is a spiritual office concerned with the rule and pastoral oversight of the congregation, only suitable men and women should be considered. They should be committed Christians, in regular attendance at public worship, persons of sound judgment and upright character, and either knowledgeable or prepared to learn of the government of the church.

At Knox:

  • Nominees for eldership must be members of Knox.

  • Knox staff and their immediate household family members are not eligible to serve as ruling elders at Knox.

  • Spouses can both serve on Session at the same time.

  • Only members of Knox Church can nominate candidates and vote in the Elder Selection Process.